P. Theodorou and A. Meliones, ‘Human and Machine Requirements Convergence for the Design of Assistive Navigation Software: The Case of Blind or Visually Impaired People’, (Editors: G. Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou, L. Tsoukalas, A. Esposito, L. Jain) Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Technologies (Selected Papers in Honor of Professor Nikolaos G. Bourbakis) , LEARNING AND ANALYTICS IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS series, Springer, under publication. |
Α. Meliones and G. Makrides, ‘Automated Stock Price Motion Prediction Using Technical Analysis Datasets and Machine Learning’, (Editors: G. Tsihrintzis, D. Sotiropoulos, L. C. Jain) Machine Learning Paradigms: Advances in Data Analytics, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 149, Springer 2019, ISBN: 978-3319940298. |
A. Georgakopoulos, D. Karvounas, V. Stavroulaki, K. Tsagkaris, P. Demestichas, “Challenges towards a cloud-RAN realization”, Cognitive Radio and Networking for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Springer, pp. 245-255, 2015 |
D. Karvounas, A. Bantouna, A. Georgakopoulos, K. Tsagkaris, V. Stavroulaki, P. Demestichas, “A Machine-Learning Approach Based on Bio-Inspired Intelligence”, Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing and White Space Access: The Practical Reality, Wiley, pp.167-190, 2015 |
A. Georgakopoulos, D. Karvounas, V. Stavroulaki, K. Tsagkaris, P. Demestichas, “Intersystem coexistence and cooperation through control channels”, Cognitive Communication and Cooperative HetNet Coexistence – Signals and Communication Technology, Springer, pp.119-131, 2014 |
V. Foteinos, D. Kelaidonis, G. Poulios, V, Stavroulaki, P. Vlacheas, P. Demestichas, R. Giaffreda, A. R. Biswas, S. Menoret, G. Nguengang, M. Etelapera, N. Septimiu-Cosmin, M. Roelands, F. Visintainer, and K. Moessner, “A cognitive management framework for empowering the Internet of Things”, Future Internet Assembly 2013: Validated Results and New Horizons, A. Galis and A. Gavras (Eds.): FIA 2013, LNCS 7858, pp. 187–199, 2013 |
Y. Kritikou, M. Paradia, P. Demestichas, “Cognitive techniques for the development of services in broadband networks: The case of vocabulary learning management systems”, Evolution of Cognitive Networks and Self-Adaptive Communication Systems, IGI Global, December 2012 |
A. Bantouna, K. Tsagkaris, V. Stavroulaki, P. Demestichas, “Machine learning applied to cognitive communications”, Cognitive Communications: Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), Regulatory Policy & Economics, Implementation, John Wiley and Sons, UK, 2012 |
A. Bantouna, K. Tsagkaris, V. Stavroulaki, P. Demestichas, “Learning techniques for context diagnosis and prediction in cognitive communications”, Cognitive Communications: Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), Regulatory Policy & Economics, Implementation, John Wiley and Sons, UK, 2012 |
P. Demestichas, N. Koutsouris, D. Karvounas, A. Georgakopoulos, V. Stavroulaki, J. Gebert, M. Mueck, “Coverage and Capacity Extensions by means of Opportunistic Networks in the Future Internet”, Towards a Service-Based Internet, pp.313-315, Springer Verlag, October 2011 |
A. Georgakopoulos, K. Tsagkaris, V. Stavroulaki, P. Demestichas, “Efficient opportunistic network creation in the context of Future Internet”, The Future Internet, Future Internet 2011, Achievements and Technological Promises, pp. 293-306, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011 |
G. Kambourakis, A. Rouskas and S. Gritzalis, “Evaluating security mechanisms in different protocol layers for Bluetooth connections”, in the “Handbook of Research on Wireless Security” Idea Group Reference, Pennsylvania, USA, Y. Zhang, J. Zheng, Ma M., (Eds), pp. 666-680, 2008. |
K. Tsagkaris, A. Saatsakis, P. Kokinakis, P. Demestichas, E. Bustos, E. De La Fuente, “Electronic program guide in the context of multimodal and ubiquitous multimedia service provisioning”, Exploiting the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006 |
N. Koutsouris, V. Stavroulaki, L. Papadopoulou, P. Demestichas, M. Theologou, “Using dynamic service and network discovery to stimulate e-business over composite radio environments”, E-Adoption and the Knowledge Economy, pp. 20-27, IOS Press, Part 1, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004 |
P.Demestichas, N.Koutsouris, G.Koundourakis, V.Stavroulaki, N.Mitrou, V.Demesticha, G.Lefa, V.Libal, “Support for e-business applications over composite radio environments”, Building the Knowledge Economy, pp. 116-123, IOS Press, Part 1, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2003 |
P.Demestichas, N.Koutsouris, G.Koundourakis, L.Papadopoulou, V.Stavroulaki, M.Theologou, “Brokerage of wireless systems` resources in a composite radio context”, Challenges and Achievements in E-business and E-work, pp. 1010-1017, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002 |
P.Demestichas, G.Vivier, G.Martinez, F.Galliano, L.Papadopoulou, V.Stavroulaki, M.Theologou, “An approach for managing networks and services in a diversified radio environment”, Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications (Volume 6), pp. 337 – 352, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 |
K.Koutsopoulos, N.Alexiou, C.Konstantinopoulou, P.Demestichas, M.Theologou, “Establishment of mobile extranets through Mobile IPv6 and GPRS: Enabling universal access to corporate Intranets”, Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications (Volume 6), pp. 309 – 322, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 |
M.E. Anagnostou, A.N. Rouskas, and Sebastiano Trigila “Component Distribution Methodology”, IS&N Book 1999: On the Way to the Information Society -: 5 Years of European ACTS Research on Intelligence in Services & Networks, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2000, ISBN:1586030078, pp 327-344, T.Magedanz, A.Mullery, S.Rao, P.Rodier (eds). |
P. Demestichas, E. Tzifa, S. Efremidis, A. Kaltabani, N. Liossis, M. Louta, M. Anagnostou, “Using agents to enable personal mobility in TINA”, On the Way to Information Society: Five years of European ACTS Research on Intelligence in Services and Networks, pp. 467-476, IOS press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000 |