
The members of TNS Lab have participated in the following projects:

ProjectProject Responsible Persons
Acronym: ARIADNE
Title: Artificial Intelligence Aided D-Band Network for 5G Long Term Evolution
Framework: Horizon 2020, ICT-20-2019, European Union’s Programme for Research and Innovation, grant agreement No. 871464.
A. Alexiou
Design and Implementation of a network platform for remote monitoring and management of PANTHORA REMOTE MONITORING SYSTEM. Funded by TELCOSERV S.A.A. Rouskas
Title: Terabit/s Wireless Connectivity by TeraHertz innovative technologies to deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Systems beyond 5G.
Framework: Horizon 2020, European Union’s Programme for Research and Innovation, grant agreement No. 761794.
A. Alexiou
Acronym: FLEX-D
Title: Experimenting with Flexible D2D communications Over LTE
Framework: FIRE FLEX (FIRE LTE Testbeds for Open Experimentation) 2nd Open Call.
Project Objective: To develop a set of D2D enabling innovative components towards enabling flexible device-centric experimentation within legacy LTE network deployments.
A. Alexiou
Acronym: EuConNeCts2
Title: European Conferences on Networks and Communications (EuCNC)
Funded by: EC, under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Duration: 30 months | Mar-2015 to Aug-2017
P. Demestichas
A. Rouskas
Title: Wireless access infrastructures expansions through Opportunistic Networks of Moving Access Points
Funded by: U.S. Office of Naval Research
Duration: 12 months | from Mar-2015 to Mar-2016
P. Demestichas
Acronym: SLALOM
Title: Service Level Agreement - Legal and Open Model
Funded by: EC, under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Duration: 18 months | Jan-2015 to Jun-2016
P. Demestichas
A. Rouskas
Acronym: XIFI/iWave
Title: Internet of Things, Wireless Access and Virtualization Technologies for an Advanced Future Internet Experimentation Node (as part of the XIFI Open Call)
Funded by: EC (partially), under the Future Internet Public Private Partnership (FI-PPP) initiative
Duration: 12 months | from Apr-2014 to Sep-2015
P. Demestichas
Title: System for Measurement and Presentation of Quality Indicators for Communication Networks
Funded by: Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT)
Duration: 11 months | Nov-2014 to Sep-2015
P. Demestichas
A. Rouskas
Acronym: e-Science
Funded by: GRNET
Duration: 12 months | Oct-2014 to Oct-2015
P. Demestichas
A. Rouskas
Title: GreenTouch Demonstration
Funded by: GreenTouch Initiative
Duration: 12 months | from May-2014 to Jun-2015
P. Demestichas
Title: Sustainable Shared Wireless Infrastructure Design and Simulation
Funded by: GreenTouch Initiative
Duration: 12 months | from Mar-2014 to Feb-2015
P. Demestichas
Acronym: ARTEMIS
Title: A Cognitive Ecosystem for Smart Energy Management of Wireless Technologies and Mobile Applications
Funded by: Partially by General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) in Greece
Duration: 30 months | from Apr-2013 to Sep-2015
P. Demestichas
Acronym: AutoFLOW
Title: Autonomic OpenFlow
Funded by: EC (partially), under the FP7/ICT
Duration: 18 months | from Oct-2013 to Mar-2015
P. Demestichas
Acronym: AutoSDN
Title: Autonomic Software Defined Networks
Funded by: Orange/FT
Duration: 12 months | from Apr-2013 to Mar-2014
P. Demestichas
Acronym: MCAPs
Title: Strategies for Creating Networks of Moving Cognitive Access Points
Funded by: U.S. Office of Naval Research
Duration: 12 months | from May-2012 to Apr-2013
P. Demestichas
Resource management techniques for capacity increase and quality of service provisioning in Mobile Communication Networks. Participation in the main research team of the project. Archimedes Program, TEI of Thessaly. Funded by Ministry of Education.A. Rouskas
ENDECON: Energy Efficient Design of Communication Networks, Thales Program, Project Coordinator Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras. Funded by Ministry of Education.A. Rouskas
Acronym: ART-COMP
Title: Advanced Radio Access Techniques for Next Generation Cellular Networks: The Multi-Site Coordination Paradigm.
Supporting Action/Framework: “Supporting Postdoctoral Researchers”, Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, cofunded by the General Secretariat for Research & Technology and the European Union
Scope: Design, propose and evaluate advanced cellular access concepts, architectures, as well as PHY and MAC algorithms for managing interference and achieving high quality-of-service experience in beyond 4G radio access networks
A. Alexiou
Title: Novel Transmit and Design Techniques for Broadband Wireless Networks (INTENTION)
Supporting Action/Framework: "THALES", Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning
Description: Development of novel PHY and MAC algorithms for next generation wireless access network towards increasing spectral efficiency
A. Alexiou
Acronym: iCore
Title: Internet Connected Objects for Reconfigurable Ecosystems
Funded by: EC (partially), under the FP7/ICT for Research and Development
Duration: 36 months | from Oct-2011 to Sep-2014
P. Demestichas
Title: Ontology and taxonomies for resilience
Funded by: ENISA
Duration: 6 months | from Jan-2011 to Jun-2011
P. Demestichas
Acronym: UniverSelf
Title: Universal Self-Management
Funded by: EC (partially), under the FP7/ICT for Research and Development
Duration: 39 months | from Sep-2010 to Nov-2013
P. Demestichas
Title: Advanced coexistence technologies for Radio Optimization in Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum - Network of Excellence (NoE)
Funded by: EC (partially), under the FP7/ICT for Research and Development
Duration: 39 months | from Oct-2010 to Dec-2013
P. Demestichas
Bilateral collaboration: UPRC/ Intel Mobile Communications
Funded by: Intel Mobile Communications (IMC)
Duration: 21 months | from Oct-2010 to Jun-2012
P. Demestichas
Acronym: OneFIT
Title: Opportunistic networks and Cognitive Management Systems for Efficient Application Provision in the Future InterneT
Funded by: EC (partially), under the FP7/ICT for Research and Development
Duration: 30 months | from Jul-2010 to Dec-2012
P. Demestichas
Acronym: EXALTED
Title: Expanding LTE for Devices
Framework: FP7-ICT-2009-5, Objective ICT-2009.1.1: Network of the future
Project Objectives and Achievements: EXALTED project aimed to provide Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures for M2M communications.
A. Alexiou
Acronym: COST Action IC0902
Title: Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Funded by: EC (partially)
Duration: 48 months | from Dec-2009 to Dec-2013
P. Demestichas
Acronym: E3
Title: End-to-End Efficiency
Funded by: EC (partially), under the FP7/ICT for Research and Development
Duration: 24 months | from Jan-2008 to Dec-2009
P. Demestichas
PEDION 24: Design, implementation and management of a network measuring the non-ionizing radiation of mobile telephony antennas, University of the Aegean. Funded by COSMOTE SAA. Rouskas
INHOME STREP project “An Intelligent Interactive Services Environment for Assisted Living at Home”, (Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) for the Ageing Society) IST-2005-045061, University of the Aegean. Funded by EU.A. Rouskas
Acronym: WIN-HPN
Title: Wireless INtelligent – Hospital Premises Network
Funded by: EC (partially), under the EUREKA/CELTIC initiative
Duration: 24 Months | from Jan-2006 to Dec-2007
P. Demestichas
UNITE STREP project “Virtual Distributed Test-bed for Optimisation and Coexistence of Heterogeneous Systems”, IST-2005-FP6, Strategic Objective: Mobile and Wireless Systems and Platforms Beyond 3G, University of the Aegean. Funded by EU.A. Rouskas
Analysis, Design and Development of a Telemedicine Network for distant areas in Aegean and Cyprus, INTERREG IIIA, Greece-Cyprus. Funded by Regional Development Fund of North Aegean.A. Rouskas
(ii) ARIADNE. Dynamic spectrum management, planning and management of 4G wireless access networks and terminals. Funded by the Ministry of Development - General Secretariat of Research and Development. July 2005 - July 2009
Acronym: IMPULSE
Title: Integrated Multimodal Platform for Ubiquitous Multimedia Service Execution
Funded by: EC (partially), under the EUREKA/CELTIC initiative
Duration: 28 Months | from Sep-2005 to Dec-2006
Pilot wireless network for Indoor and outdoor access at the campus of the University of the Aegean, Karlovassi, Samos.A. Rouskas
Design and development of a network for broad coverage full duplex integrated services based on terrestrial digital broadcasting technologies (DVB-T/DVB-H). Pythagoras Program II, University of the Aegean, Funded by Ministry of Education.A. Rouskas
Acronym: E2R
Title: End-to-End Reconfigurability, phase I and phase II
Funded by: EC (partially), under the FP6/IST for Research and Development
Phase I duration: 24 Months | from Jan-2004 to Dec-2005
Phase II duration: 24 Months | from Jan-2006 to Dec-2007
Acronym: ACE
Title: Antenna Centre of Excellence, phase I and phase II
Funded by: EC (partially), under the FP6/IST for Research and Development
Phase I duration: 24 Months | from Jan-2004 to Dec-2005
Phase II duration: 24 Months | from Jan-2006 to Dec-2007
High availability, reliability and management of wireless communications in special purpose ad-hoc networks, Pythagoras Program II, University of the Aegean, Funded by Ministry of Education.
DIOSKOYROI. Network of excellence for the provision of training and consultancy services on advanced information and communication technologies. Specialisation on modern telecommunication network infrastructures and e-services. Provision of services to the Ministry of Defense and Health. Funded by the Ministry of Development - General Secretariat of Research and Development. October 2003 – December 2005.A. Rouskas
P. Demestichas
DIOSKOUROI: Human Network of Training and Education in advance network and informatics services, Funded by General Secretariat Research and Technology.
IST CREDO (Composite Radio for Enhanced Service Delivery during the Olympics). High-speed, wireless-access, infrastructures (B3G). Design, development and validation (through experiments) of prototype B3G environment, consisting of GPRS, WLANs and DVB-T. January 2002 - December 2003.
Technical Consultant of North Aegean Regional Health System, Funded by North Aegean Regional Health System.A. Rouskas
IST MONASIDRE (Management Of Networks And Services In A Diversified Radio Environment). High-speed, wireless-access, infrastructures (B3G). Development of management system targeted to the optimisation of B3G infrastructures that comprise UMTS, WLAN and DVB networks. January 2001 - December 2002.
IST SHUFFLE (Agent-based Approach for Controlling Resources in UMTS). Management of high speed, wireless-access, networks (3G). Development of agent-based (FIPA OS compliant) software for the control and management of the air-interface of UMTS. January 2000 - June 2002.
IST MOEBIUS (Mobile Extranet-based Integrated User Services). Development of telecommunication applications and services, Internet technologies. Provision of wireless  access to Intranet-based, healthcare, business and residential applications, through GPRS and Internet segments. Development of software tools for QoS management in the two segments. January 2000 - June 2002.
T1RCI-593 MANTOA. Meliones
EUROSTARS NetHomEra – Enabling New Era Networked Home Services and CELTIC GENIO – Next Generation HomeA. Meliones
ENIAC END – Models, Solutions, Methods and Tools for Energy-Aware Design
Funding authority: EU ENIAC JU. Member of the Project Coordination Committee, scientific responsible for project partner.
A. Meliones
AAL2 PeerAssist – P2P architecture for setting up virtual communities to assist independent living of the Elderly
Funding authority: EU AAL JU. Member of the Project Coordination Committee, scientific responsible for project partner.
A. Meliones
Hellenic Technology Cluster Initiative – Phase-1 Programme for Microelectronics Cluster Development
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology – Corallia. Scientific Responsible, principal author and coordinator of the Phase-1 miCluster proposal.
A. Meliones
Corallia MICRO2-16/Ε-ΙΙ-Α MEMSENSE – Development and deployment of innovative sensors and actuators platform for home and industrial environments Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology – Corallia. Proposal co-author and member of the research team.A. Meliones
Celtic IMPULSE – Integrated multimodal platform for ubiquitous multimedia service execution
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Member of the Project Coordination Committee and scientific responsible for project partner.
A. Meliones
ERMES – Design, Implementation and Validation of an Open Source IP-PBX/VoIP Gateway SoC
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Scientific Coordinator.
A. Meliones
EU FP6 EPERSPACE – Towards the era of personal services at home and everywhere
Funding authority: EU FP6 Framework Programme. Member of the research team for the preparation of the final trial.
A. Meliones
MEDIAGATE – Research and development of compact media gateways
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Scientific Coordinator.
A. Meliones
APOLLON – System for the provisioning of advanced telephony services.
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Scientific Coordinator.
A. Meliones
SECURENET – Adaptive transmission of moving images to mobile devices for video surveillance
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Scientific Coordinator.
A. Meliones
PHDALION – Multimedia search engine for highly unstructured distributed multimedia content
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Scientific Coordinator.
A. Meliones
PINCLOUD – Providing Integrated eHealth Services for Personalized Medicine utilizing Cloud Infrastructure
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Member of UPRC (University of Piraeus Research Centre) research team.
A. Meliones
EU ICT PSP Inspiring Science Education – Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics and Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools
Member of UPRC research team. UPRC Scientific Coordinator during 1/1/2015-30/9/2016.
A. Meliones
EU ICT GO-LAB: Global Online Science Labs Inquiry Learning at School
Member of CERTH (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas) research team. CERTH Scientific Coordinator during 1/1/2015-31/10/2016.
A. Meliones
National Contribution Inspiring Science Education 2014-2016
Funding authority: Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Scientific Coordinator (1/7/2016-15/7/2017).
A. Meliones
ESA SATFireman. A Satellite Wildfire Management Solution for Greece
Accepted for funding by ESA (succeeded the outline and full proposal phases). Participants: inAccess Networks, HellasSat, Space Hellas, Aratos, British Columbia Forest Service, Hellenic Fire Service and Municipalities. Not implemented and stopped during contract phase because the Hellenic Fire Service unexpectedly did not sign the ESA contract. Role of the undersigned: Proposal author and Project Manager.
A. Meliones
ΙΤΕΑ-2 WELLCOM: Deployment and Management of Services and Applications in a Distributed Home Environment
Member of the Project Coordination Committee, scientific responsible for project partner. GSRT funding was not available for Greek partners.
A. Meliones
EPSRIT EROPPA – Experiments on Remote Operations for Post Production Applications
Pilot implementation of a metacomputing and distributed supercomputing environment in the post-production industry. Proposal author and Deputy Project Coordinator.
A. Meliones
ESPRIT INNO – Technology Transfer on High Performance Computing and Networking
Proposal author and Deputy Project Coordinator.
A. Meliones
ESPRIT EFTOS – Embedded Fault Tolerant Supercomputing
Member of the research team.
A. Meliones
TETRAMED – Tender III/98/028 – Provision of TTN HPCN Services to South Mediterranean Countries
Proposal author and Deputy Project Coordinator.
A. Meliones
ACTS DOLMEN – Service machine development for an open long-term mobile and fixed network environment
Member of the research team.
A. Meliones
RACE II BOOST – Broadband Object Oriented Service Technologies
Member of the research team.
A. Meliones
MPC8260 Linux ATM (OPEN-SOURCE) The undersigned has developed the widely used worldwide open source Linux UTOPIA and serial ATM driver for Freescale’s PowerQUICC-II communication processor family (MPC8260 and derivatives). This work is important for the implementation of integrated broadband access devices, access multiplexers and multi-service access platforms. A preliminary version of the driver was disclosed to the Linux community under a SourceForge project, which has received over 16,000 web hits and more than 1500 code discreet downloads up to date. Based on this work which is supported by several publications, Sevis Systems Inc., a developer of mobile backhaul solutions for China Mobile and other worldwide mobile operators, requested a consulting contract to help develop their PowerQUICC-III ATM products.A. Meliones
HERMES (OPEN-SOURCE) IP-PBX/VoIP Gateway Multi-Core SoC (LEON3).A. Meliones
STEM (OPEN-SOURCE) Simple Task Execution Manager is an OSGi UPnP service that generates events and/or performs actions on UPnP devices and services, when a set of conditions on available UPnP services or devices is evaluated true. STEM was disclosed to the open community under a SourceForge project.A. Meliones
Youpi UPnP-OSGi bridge (OPEN-SOURCE) Youpi is a Java implementation of the UPnP protocol, which allows the remote discovery and control of devices available in an IP network. The UPnP technology is promoted by the UPnP forum which comprises significant electronics and ICT industry players. The UPnP protocol is included in a plethora of common devices such as Internet routers, network disks (NAS servers), Xbox and Playstation gaming consoles etc. Youpi was developed in the framework of the ICT-FET-ATRACO project. The undersigned supervised the implementation of the UPnP-OSGi bridge. Youpi was disclosed to the open community and more than 500 discrete users have downloaded the code up to date.A. Meliones